Last updated: February 16, 2024

We take your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy regarding the Day by Day Calendar app.

This Privacy Policy gives you the information on how we collect, store and process data. In general we distinguish between personal and non-personal information. We do not sell or let any other third parties use your data. Please find the information on how we might process it below.

The usage of personal data

When you send an email to the Day by Day Support, we keep the record of our communication. This includes your email, OS version, Android device ID, name and the conversation history. This is the only personal information, we collect, and it helps us develop, deliver, protect and improve our products, services, content and customer communication.

The usage of non-personal data

Non-personal information is anonymous data with which you cannot uniquely identify a specific individual. This includes the following information:

  • device information like manufacturer, Android version, etc.
  • information about the application crashes

We may collect, store and use non-personal information. We may also combine personal and non-personal information for sending support feedback purposes. The collection of the non-personal data serves the purposes of the continuous improvement of the application. This includes the enhanced performance and the development of the new features.

Use of other services

Day by Day app uses Google Tasks API to sync with Google Tasks. You can find their privacy policy here.

Day by Day’s use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Firebase is used for collecting the app’s crashes. Their privacy policy is here.

Our Privacy Policy may be altered in time. Should the policy change, we will post the information on this page.